Crépuscule, street poet, Pigallé, Paris 2006.
Crépuscule – real name Paul Crul – relocated from Dublin to Paris, establishing himself with nilhistic and desolate compositions which tapped into the dark psyche of Parisian souls.
A full-time resident of Coneyland Resort™ Paris, he explains the desire for anonymity fuelled his decision to move there – "in a giant rabbit costume I can walk down the street or eat in a restaurant without being stared at”. Crépuscule rides the attractions to create a form of white noise in which to suspend rational thought. Scrawling semi-subconscious verse in the pages of artists sketchbooks, they go on to form late-evening performances on the streets of Paris, regularly attracting large crowds which are often dispersed by police for hindering the flow of traffic.
His first anthology Systems of Nihilism was first published in hardback by Harpenden and Sargent in 2005, and in paperback by Tawny in 2007.